Section: Software

3D Bayesian Tracker

Participants : James Crowley [correspondant] , Amaury Negre, Lukas Rummelhard.

Figure 5. The 3D Bayesian tracker integrates observations from multiple sensors

The 2DBT and 3DBT tracking systems are autonomic perceptual components originally created for the IST CAVIAR project and the IST CHIL projects. Both systems are autonomous perceptual components managed by a autonomic supervisor. The Autonomic supervisor provides self monitoring, self repair, self configuration, auto-regulation of parameters and self-description.

The INRIA 3D Bayesian body tracker is used to detect, locate and track multiple 3D entities in real time. It is configured and optimized for detecting and tracking people within rooms using multiple calibrated cameras. The system currently uses corner mounted cartesian cameras, ceiling mounted cameras with wide angle lenses and panoramic cameras placed on tables. Cameras may be connected and disconnected while the component is running, but they must be pre-calibrated to a common room reference frame. We are currently experimenting with techniques for Bayesian estimation of camera parameters for auto-calibration.

This perceptual component can be configured to monitor and track the activity within a smart space. The tracker receives its observations from 2D detection process that can use any available pixel level detection algorithm. The tracker currently integrates information from adaptive background subtraction, motion detection, skin color detection, and local appearance using scale normalised Gaussian derivatives. A common scenario is to use the motion to detect and initialise tracking, adaptive background subtraction to track 3D bodies, and skin color to track hands and faces. Cameras may be connected dynamically.

This work is currently supported by ICT Labs thematic actions on Smart Spaces and Smart Energy systems.

The original system 3DBT has been declared with the APP "Agence pour la Protection des Programmes" under the Interdeposit Digital number IDDN.FR.001.490023.000.S.P.2006.000.10000. A revised declaration for the latest version of the system is currently being prepared.